Open Guard – Rehearsal
High School Rehearsal Facility
High School Rehearsal Facility
Band classroom
High School Main Gym
Below is the Wind Ensemble Schedule for the LAWRENCE CENTRAL CONCERT FESTIVAL BSO will receive a schedule from Mr. Hauger. The BSO will perform later and arrive home later. Wind...
BHS Orchestra room
Band classroom
High School Main Gym
High School Rehearsal Facility
High School Rehearsal Facility
Jazz I will compete at the ISSMA State Finals if we qualify. Qualifications will be the weekend of March 6. More info. to follow.
Schedule will be released the Monday before this performance.
Schedule will be released at least 2 weeks before performances.
Brownsburg High School Rehearsal Facility
Brownsburg High School Main Gym 6:00-9:00 Brownsburg High School Band Room 5:00-6:00
Concert Group ONLY, not movement group. Brownsburg High School Band Room